Hazardous Material Incident

Major Chemical Spill

  1. Call 911.
  2. Notify persons in the area. Evacuate the room, area, or building.
  3. Pull the nearest fire alarm station if evacuation is required.
  4. Confine if possible. Close doors on the way out if possible.
  5. Assemble in a safe place away from spill.
  6. One person meets and informs emergency responders. Provide assistance as necessary.

Minor or Small Chemical Spill

  1. Notify persons in the immediate area. Leave the hazardous area.
  2. If possible, turn off ignition sources and establish or maintain exhaust ventilation.
  3. Close doors and windows, if possible.
  4. Call Environmental Health and Safety at (360) 650-3064; if no answer, call 911.
  5. Follow specific instructions on the Safety Data Sheet.
  6. Confine and clean the spill with appropriate protective clothing and equipment.
  7. Dispose of waste properly. Call Environmental Health and Safety at (360) 650-3064 for information.

Chemical Splash to Skin

Read Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

  1. Generally, remove contaminated clothing and wash the patient with water for 10 minutes.
  2. Call 911 or seek medical assistance.
  3. Call Environmental Health and Safety at (360) 650-3064 for information.
  4. Call 911.
  5. Follow specific instructions on the Safety Data Sheet.

Take SDS to emergency providers.

Chemical Splash to Eyes

  1. Immediately wash with potable (drinking quality) water for 15 minutes.
  2. Hold the eyelids open. Get the victim to roll eyes while irrigating.
  3. Call 911.

If a chemical release should occur which cannot be contained in a room or building, or if an off-campus chemical release occurs, University personnel may be asked by County or City Emergency Responders to “shelter in place.”

Shelter in Place Procedure For Chemical Release

  1. Go indoors or remain in a building where the air is less contaminated. Stay in upper stories of buildings if possible.
  2. Close and lock doors and windows, as possible, to seal out contaminated air. Turn off or block all sources of outside air. Facilities Management controls building ventilation. Locally controlled ventilation includes room air conditioners and fans.
  3. Cover windows, doors and ventilation openings with plastic sheeting and duct tape from departmental emergency supplies. Stuff cloth or clothing (preferably wet) at the bottom of the door. If you smell contaminants in your room, cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel or cloth.
  4. Tune to the emergency broadcast station on your radio, for example, KGMI 790 AM. Stay inside until you are notified by local radio or television or other means that it is safe to go outside.
  5. When the emergency is over, go outdoors to ventilate yourself. Open all doors and windows to ventilate the area.