Assault, Civil Disturbance, or Threat of Violence
- Call 911.
- Seek the safety of others.
- Do not confront the alleged stalker.
- Take note of physical characteristics and other identifiers that you can report to the Police.
- Call 911.
- Employees may also call the free, confidential Employee Assistance Program at (877) 313-4455 or for after hours (866)-704-6364.
- Remain with the victim until emergency assistance arrives, provided it is safe to do so.
Relationship Violence
- If there is a medical emergency or immediate threat, call 911.
- Find support at Survivor Advocacy Services at : (877) 715-1563 (24-hour line)
- Employees may also call the free, confidential Employee Assistance Program at (877) 313-4455 or for after hours (866)-704-6364.
Civil Disturbance
- Civil disturbance includes riots, violent demonstrations, crimes in progress and assemblies that have become significantly disruptive.
- Call 911.
- Avoid provoking or obstructing demonstrators.
- Secure your area (lock doors, safes, files, vital records and expensive equipment).
- Continue with normal operations to the extent possible.
- If the disturbance is outside, stay inside away from doors and windows.
- Prepare for evacuation or relocation.
Threat of Violence on Campus
Imminent Violence
- Call 911.
- If you are concerned that a situation in your workplace involving an employee might lead to violence, call Human Resources at (360) 650-3774.
- If you are concerned about a situation involving a student that is disturbing or might lead to violence, call the Office of Student Life at (360) 650-3706.
Hostage Situation
- If you are not involved, immediately evacuate the building where the incident is occurring.
- If you are involved, follow the same procedures as for a Shooting Incident.
- If it is safe to do so, call 911. Inform the dispatcher of the situation with as much information as is available.
Criminal Activity
If you observe a crime in progress or behavior that you suspect is criminal, immediately call 911.
Report as much information as possible, including:
- What the person(s) is/are doing.
- Where it is happening.
- Physical and clothing description of those involved.
- Whether there are weapons involved, and if so, what type.
- Vehicle description and license number if appropriate.
- Direction of travel when last seen.
Do not approach or attempt to apprehend the persons involved. If it is safe to do so, stay on the telephone with the police dispatcher and provide additional information until police arrive.
If you are concerned that someone may pose a safety risk to you or the campus in general, call SAFE CAMPUS (360) 650-SAFE (7233).