
In Case of Fire

Call University Police 360-650-3911 or 9-1-1

Fire or Explosion

  • Notify persons in the area.
  • Evacuate the room, area, or building.
  • Pull the nearest fire alarm.
  • Confine the fire if possible to slow the spread.  
  • Use a fire extinguisher, if trained.
  • Close doors and windows, if possible.
  • Assemble in a safe place, 100' from the building, and choose one person to meet and inform the Building Coordinator (red vest).

Clothing Fire

  • Drop to the floor.
  • Roll the victim to extinguish flames. Use a blanket, if available.
  • Cool the patient with water. Go to an emergency shower if close by.


  • Remove smoldering clothing or hot material. Use care to avoid removing attached skin.
  • Cool the burned area with cold water.

Do not re-enter the building until the all-clear is given. The fire alarm may be silenced for first responders to work, but does not mean it is safe to re-enter.

Only attempt to fight a fire if

  • The fire is confined to a small area, such as a wastebasket, 
  • You can keep an exit to your back
  • Be sure that your extinguisher is the proper size and type for the fire and you know how to use it. Follow these steps for using an extinguisher
4 Steps for Using an Extinguisher: PASS
P Pull the pin. Some extinguishers require releasing a lock latch, pressing a puncture lever or taking another first step.
A Aim low. Point the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire
S Squeeze the trigger or handle while holding the extinguisher upright. This releases the extinguishing agent.

Sweep the extinguisher from side to side. Keep the extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire and sweep back and forth covering the area of the fire with the extinguishing agent until it appears to be out.

Watch the fire area. If the fire breaks out again, repeat the process.

Classification of Portable Fire Extinguishers

Portable Fire Extinguishers / When to Use
Class of fire Fuel Extinguishing Agent
Class A fires Ordinary combustibles: wood, paper, cloth, rubber, some plastics
  • Water
  • Multipurpose dry chemical
  • Aqueous fire foam (AFFF)
  • Halon-replacement
Class B fires

Flammable and combustible liquids

Pressurized gases and liquids

  • Multipurpose dry chemical
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Aqueous fire forming foam
  • Halon-replacement
Class C fires Energized electrical equipment (shock hazard may be present)
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Multipurpose dry chemical
  • Halon-replacement
Class D fires Combustible metals Dry powder
K Grease
Used only in Commercial Kitchens
Potassium-based liquid