Evacuation Assistance Locations and Areas of Refuge
What is an Evacuation Assistance Location?
A location in a building designed to hold occupants during a fire or other emergency, when evacuation may not be safe or possible, until first responders can rescue them. In most of Western’s buildings, this is the stairwell.

What Is an Area of Refuge?
An Area of Refuge is a location with two-way communication in a building designed to hold occupants during a fire or other emergency, when evacuation may not be safe or possible, until first responders can rescue them.

Two Way Communication Device
Two-way Communication device is shown mounted on wall, encased in a clear, protective hard plastic case.
The required two-way communication may be in the stairwell or hallway and connects to University Police Dispatch.
The Area of Refuge is in the area of the two-way communication device.
There is only one building at Western that has these areas; Wilson Library in the south-central stairwell.

The Area of Refuge is the space between the main library area and the stairwell.